Von Daniken will be very excited about this. Either that, or we have under estimated the powers of communication of people 3700 years ago. None of the symbols really look like spacemen or flying machines. Maybe about the time Ra was invented, or did it descend to earth, or just keep coming back every day.
Over the last several years, similar petroglyphs have been identified on as many as five continents In the late 20th century, archaeologists discovered a collection of symbols carved in stone as petroglyphs in the Negev desert of Israel that appeared to be writing. Dating of these symbols showed that they were made over an extended period time, beginning around 1700 BC Dr. James Harris, a petroglyph expert and archaeologist from Brigham Young University. He identified the alphabet as being a proto-Canaanite system, which successfully translated by using old-Hebrew or Thalmudic phonetic sounds Earlier, William McGlone discovered the same collection of symbols carved in heavily patinated stones surrounding the Southeast town of La Junta, Colorado Dating of the patina corresponded petroglyphs in Colorado were photographed and posted on the Internet images of similar petroglyphs were sent to the site many different global locations Colorado and Yemen spoke of a similar even related to the Sun |
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